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I have been teaching children Sense You Qigong at schools since 2014. Through a range of easy to learn movements, visualization, guided meditation, storytelling, breathing and vocalization techniques, children are able to their feel a sense of calm and peace and embrace their relationship with their body, mind, senses, emotions and feelings. 


We move, shake, breathe, and sound out together to carefully curated music. Some movements are calming and soft, focused on becoming centered and relaxed, while others help children transform unwanted emotions into desired ones.


What many love about this unique transformative and self-healing movement practice is that it can be done anywhere, anytime. No mat is needed. It can be done seated and standing. It can be practiced inside and out in nature. It is amazing to see that once these kids learn how certain movements can make them feel less anxious, worried, fearful, stressed, sad or angry, they become very curious to explore these movements on their own. A whole new world opens up to them once they discover the language of their bodies through their senses, movements, postures, rhythms and breath.


Sense You Qigong offers children an invitation and initiation to pause, listen, honor, access and process their feelings, emotions and sensations through movement and make sense of who they are and the world around them.


I am passionate about teaching children Sense You Qigong and would love to discuss with you how I can teach children at your school as well.

Qigong at The New School in Monmouth County, NJ
Qigong at The New School in Monmouth County, NJ
Qigong at The New School in Monmouth County, NJ

"For many years Joyce has taught Sense You Qigong at our school. She is such an inspiring teacher. All the children enjoy her weekly sessions and have become fluent in the moving and breathing exercises she has shown them. Joyce has a calm and gentle way of working with the children and the ability to inspire any a wandering or restless child back into the group. She includes storytelling art and music into her Sense You Qigong sessions as well some basic Science about how the body works. All of this has made her a very popular teacher and the children are always looking forward to her class. During my 50 years of directing this ungraded alternative school I have had many adults sharing their passions and skills with groups of children and Joyce is one of the best. We are very lucky to have her."

Susan Chilvers D. Ed., Founder of The New School of Monmouth County NJ

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