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October Full Moons, apple pie, owls, poetry and art


October full moon in Aries @autumnskyeart

October apple picking @eatmontorchards

October moons @moodbodysoul

Little Owl on a Chair 2015 Lithograph @erikrenssen


Under the harvest moon, when the soft silver drips shimmering over the garden nights, death, the grey mocker, comes and whispers to you as a beautiful friend who remembers. Under the summer roses When the flagrant crimson Lurks in the dusk Of the wild red leaves, Love, with little hands, Comes and touches you With a thousand memories, And asks you Beautiful, unanswerable questions. @CarlSandburg Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away; Lengthen night and shorten day; Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree. I shall smile when wreaths of snow Blossom where the rose should grow; I shall sing when night’s decay Ushers in a drearier day. @Cocorrina You are a forest dweller looking for the forest.... Listen friend, each crackling leaf beneath your feet is a personal invitation to come to your senses @Adyashanti Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away; Lengthen night and shorten day; Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree. I shall smile when wreaths of snow Blossom where the rose should grow; I shall sing when night’s decay Ushers in a drearier day. @EmilyBrontë


Hello beautiful, How are you feeling? How has your first week of October been? Here in New Jersey we have had some spectacular weather. Great days to enjoy fall activities such as apple picking, apple pie baking and an evening full moon walk. This week's Harvest Full Moon shone so bright. Perhaps you can still feel her energy. Astrology guide Lila Spencer writes so beautifully about this time of balance - reminding us to speak with love and lead from the heart. To dance with our connection within and with all of life. "On October 1st we celebrated the Harvest Moon and Full Moon in Aries. With the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries, we find ourselves in the dance between the needs of ourselves and the needs of others. Bringing forth this navigation of how we can listen and honor where these two polarities meet and look within to find the place of balance required. Aries ruled by Mars, brings in the energy of fire, the initiator, bold and courageous and ready to blaze forward without holding back. Libra ruled by Venus, brings in the energy of air, the peacemaker, graceful and kind and here to deepen through relating and bringing what is not in alignment back into balance. Emotions can be heightened during this time. A good reminder to be mindful of our words and how we are interacting with others. A time of full illumination, amplification, fruition and release. What have we harvested? What are we grateful for? Giving space to look within and celebrate all that has been brought into fruition. Celebrating all the ways that we have grown, we can allow what is no longer working to be let go of. Honoring the in breath with the out breath, knowing that one doesn’t exist without the other. Mirroring the natural cycles of the seasons, of planting, nurturing, harvesting, and decomposing, can we allow this template to guide us and remember that we too are made of the earth? The energy may feel intense and it may leave us feeling energized or exhausted. How can we self source and allow what rest if it is needed? Take time to pause and reflect. Give space to be gentle with whatever is present. Engage in activities to stay grounded and connected to your body. Take steps forward from a place of inspired action. Allow your emotions and nervous system to be nourished through practices that will support your body and spirit. The dance of Aries and Libra is a powerful one that continues to teach us how to stay sovereign while in deep relationship with others. The dance of our connection within and with all of life. May we remember to speak with love and lead from the heart.“ I hope you will enjoy this reading this week's newsletter as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. Enjoy your week love. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon. xxx


INSPIRATION October Astrology Forecast: A groundbreaking Time. by Moonomens

art @lunalingua "In this article we are going to dive deeper into October 2020 astrology forecast. October is going to be a groundbreaking time: we are entering an intense month, filled with changes, unexpected experiences, and ongoing inner work. A New Super Moon in Libra and two Full Moons are taking place. This year, the Full Harvest Moon arrives on October 1, while the Full Hunter Moon, a rare Blue Moon, is happening on October 31. This event makes the upcoming month particularly interesting and very relevant for our collective and personal journey. We enter a phase of integration, implementation, and focused action. During this groundbreaking period, we will be encouraged to look back, reevaluate the approach we chose and the path we embarked upon. Many of us will feel inspired to make different choices, as we will have the chance to understand the real motives behind what we did in the past. In any case, this is a month where we are going to realize that we need to somehow keep moving forward, although there will be the necessity of restructuring and reviewing our priorities along the way. The transformation of the existing structures and systems is not happening only in the external world: a profound shift in consciousness is occurring for all human beings. These changes have the potential to root us into our personal power and inner authority, guiding us back to ourselves, to our connection to Nature and Mother Earth. During October, more and more people will have the opportunity to discover unique ways to adapt to the paradigm shift that is taking place. Throughout the upcoming month, we have the chance to build new foundations for our lives, to overcome obstacles and challenges, and to grow into newfound strength and power. The Full Harvest Moon in Aries starts the new month, infusing it with energy and passion.This celestial event stimulates our need for freedom, excitement, and new experiences. This Full Moon brings our attention to wounds related to our masculine side, our inner warrior archetype, and our sexuality. We are likely to feel drawn to reflect on how we assert our needs, how we go after what we want, and how we express our individuality and sexual desires. This cosmic event gives us the chance to let go of the fear of fully owning who we are and our instinctual self-expression. On October 16, we experience the second of a series of three New Super Moons that will prepare us for the Total Solar New Moon Eclipse of December 14 reminding us that to cultivate peace and harmony in our relationships with others we need to first honor and meet our individual needs and desires. The Sun enters mysterious Scorpio on October 22, bringing our awareness to profound existential issues, to our psychology, to our relationship to death, inviting us to ask questions, and dig deeper. The Sun in Scorpio is never satisfied with superficial explanations, intentions, or motives, always inviting us to look beneath what is obvious. During Scorpio season, our focus shifts within: we are encouraged to come into contact with our resilience, with our ability to completely transform, with our capacity to rise from our ashes. Scorpio season 2020 invites us to undergo a journey into the underworld and to come back wiser, stronger, and more powerful. The Full Hunter Moon this year is a rare Blue Moon, taking place on Samhain, also referred to as Halloween. This cosmic event has the potential to be extremely powerful and life-changing for many of us. We can expect breakdowns of what has fulfilled its purpose, breakthroughs, new possibilities, unconventional paths spontaneously opening, and all sorts of unexpected events during these days: stay open to what unfolds. On the Full Moon in Taurus, our words, and our perception of the world have the power to change our actual reality. Although this month can feel heavy and challenging, it is also very empowering and healing. A lot of things that are going to come to the surface on both individual and collective level are inviting us to stay grounded no matter what is happening in the external world. Our power to change ourselves and to change the world when we unite collectively comes from within. Love is always the answer."



The Spirit of the Owl

"On world animal day today I cherish all animals, especially our loving dog Tommy who lays with us in every Sensual Qigong class and session.

But today I would like to mention another animal I feel strongly connected to. The owl.

The owl keeps on making an appearance in my life regularly in various different ways. Each time with a different message, each time when a change is about to happen in my life.

”Listen carefully to your inner voice and guidance to recapture the knowledge of your correct path in life.”

Owls live within the darkness, which includes magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. Related to the night is the moon, which owls are also connected to.

It becomes a symbol of the feminine and fertility, with the moon’s cycles of renewal.

The owl is still considered a witch's companion, sharing unique spiritual communication between them, and even sharing the same secret powers of the night.

Some ancient cultures believed that owls were actually priestesses and wizards in disguise, and to this day, they are still considered to be messengers and companions to these magical folk.

Many representations of Athena show an owl perched on her shoulder, whispering words of wisdom and giving the goddess the power of seeing the whole truth of things (while the rest of us see half).

The ancient Egyptians, Celts, and Hindus considered owls to be guardians of the underworld and protectors of the dead.

With their gift of heightened senses, owls see through illusion and deceptive external appearances to find hidden truths."



Home Made Apple Pie

Picture of Pie I made this weekend with apples my loving children picked @eastmondorchards in New Jersey


Deep Dish Apple Pie

  • Prep Time: 3 hours

  • Cook Time: 1 hour

  • Total Time: 7 hours

  • Yield: 8-10 servings

Deep dish apple pie features layers and layers of delicious apple slices and a buttery flaky pie crust!


  • Homemade Pie Crust (my recipe makes 2 crusts; 1 for bottom 1 for top)

  • 6–7 large apples, cored, peeled, and sliced into 1/4 inch slices (11-12 cups total)*

  • 1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar

  • 1/4 cup (31g) all-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)

  • zest and juice of 1 lemon (2 tsp zest + 2 Tbsp juice)

  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 teaspoon each: ground allspice, ground cloves, & ground nutmeg

  • egg wash: 1 large egg beaten with 1 Tablespoon (15ml) milk

  • optional: coarse sugar for sprinkling on crust


  1. The crust: Prepare my pie crust recipe through step 5.

  2. Make the filling: In a large bowl, stir the apple slices, sugar, flour, lemon zest + juice, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and nutmeg together until thoroughly combined. Set filling aside as the oven preheats. This gives the filling a chance to rest.

  3. Preheat oven to 400°F (204°C).

  4. Roll out the chilled pie dough: On a floured work surface, roll out one of the discs of chilled dough (keep the other one in the refrigerator). Turn the dough about a quarter turn after every few rolls until you have a circle 12 inches in diameter. Carefully place the dough into a 9×2 inch pie dish. Tuck it in with your fingers, making sure it is smooth. Spoon the filling into the crust and discard the leftover juices in the bottom of the bowl.

  5. Finish assembling: Remove the other disc of chilled pie dough from the refrigerator. Roll the dough into a circle that is 12 inches diameter. Lattice the pie crust. Crimp or flute the edges to seal.

  6. Lightly brush the top of the pie crust with the egg wash. Sprinkle the top with coarse sugar, if using.

  7. Place the pie onto a large baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. Keeping the pie in the oven, turn the temperature down to 375°F (190°C) and bake for an additional 30-35 minutes. After the first 20 minutes of bake time, I place a pie crust shield on top of the pie to prevent the edges from browning too quickly.

  8. Allow the pie to cool for 3 full hours at room temperature before serving. This time allows the filling to thicken up. Cover leftovers tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  1. Make Ahead / Freezing Instructions: A couple ways to make ahead of time! Make 1 day in advance– after it cools, cover tightly and keep at room temperature. The pie crust dough can also be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Baked pie also freezes well for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature before serving. Prepared fillings can also be frozen up to 3 months, thaw overnight in the refrigerator before using.



Erik Renssen

Nude and owl in a garden Edition of 10. 2018 Piezograph on canvas

Flowers in a Turquoise Pot 2020 Oil on canvas

Woman with Green Hair (I) 2020 Gouache and acrylic on lithograph

Erik Renssen is a prolific artist. His oeuvre comprises paintings, drawings, sculptures and graphic works. Working primarily in the figurative tradition, the imagery is never one of pure naturalism. There is always a level of abstraction. With great virtuosity he paints a world where both vibrant and subdued colours coexist in harmony. Renssen is inspired by the world that surrounds him: his wife and children, the intimacy of the studio, the pleasure of a dinner party with good friends, but above all by his fervent admiration of Pablo Picasso: “He’s the greatest and my daily inspiration. I write my own story on the canvas before me, using the wonderful visual language Picasso gave to us”. Renssen desires to interpret and transform everyday objects, landscapes, and people into new subjects that breathe a life of their own, create a conversation between the past and present and act as an homage to master painters who came before him.

The range of subjects is classical: portrait, still-life, the reclining nude and the occasional landscape. Inspired by Picasso’s restless and inventive nature along with his tendency to explore various mediums, styles, and subjects, Renssen also enjoys the freedom to develop new ideas from his own life and experiences.

His work can been seen at his artist gallery, Renssen Art Gallery, in the Spiegelkwartier of Amsterdam, at Guarisco Gallery in Washington, D.C. and at selected art fairs like Art Expo New York and Red Dot Miami held annually.

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